Ethyl alcohol 99.66% Denatured bioethanol

- Concentration of active substance: 96%
- Type: Alcool
- Package: 1000 l
- Disinfectants
- ADVA Disinfectants
Ethyl alcohol 99.66% Denatured bioethanol
BN №: 32
EU name: Ethanol
CAS Number: 64-17-5
EU Number: 200-578-6
REACH Registration number: 01-2119457610-43-0311
Identified uses: Solvents
- Antifreeze agents
- Heat transfer agents
- Fuels and supplements
- Laboratory chemicals
- Intermediate products
The full list of identified uses you can find as an annex in the safety data sheet.
Use as an intermediate product
Use as a process chemical
Use as a solvent in industrial applications
Use as a fuel in industrial applications
Use as a solvent in professional applications
Use as a fuel in professional applications
Use as a functional liquid in industrial applications
Use as a functional liquid in professional applications
Industrial use as a lab chemical
Consumer use as a motor fuel
Consumer use as a domestic fuel
Consumer use in products – up to 50gr
Consumer use as a functional liquid
Consumer use in paints and coatings
Consumer use in antifreeze, removal and defrosting products and glass cleaning products.
Consumer use in laundry and dishwashing detergents.
Consumer use in cosmetics.
Cut: 1000 litres
Concentration of the active substance: 99.66
Product type: Ethyl alcohol
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