ADVA Ozone - Bio installation for ozone disinfection of cereals

Do you want to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture?
Pesticide resistance and increased demand for organic / bio / cereals lead to the need to store cereals without the use of chemicals and at the same time to effectively protect them from mold, mycotoxins, fungi, insects, pathogens and other pests in stored grain.
The solution is ozone fumigation.
There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of ozone in grain storage.
Ozone is a powerful oxidant and is used as a disinfectant and anti-microbial agent in many industries.
Ozone is known in the food industry as a disinfectant and remover of odors, taste and color.
It is used to store a number of food products such as fresh products, always ensuring food safety.
Ozone has been shown to be an effective grain storage agent, as it ensures the destruction of mycotoxins, insects and inactivates microbes. of Tribolium castaneum and Sitophilus zeamais in maize and Tribolium confusum in wheat can only be eliminated with ozone.
Ozone is a highly oxidizing agent that reacts when in contact with any organic molecule, eliminating microbes, bacteria and mold.
With its strong sterilizing properties, it removes fungal spores and toxins located on the grain surface.
It can also effectively kill 100% of the adult insects present in the cereal.
Ozone treatment provides several safety benefits and is more environmentally friendly than traditional pesticides and fungicides.
1. There are no residues on the products
2. No toxic chemicals,
3. There is no danger of mixing chemicals and there are no problems with the disposal of insecticide residues in nature.
Benefits of ADVA Ozone:
Eliminates pests, bacteria, microbes;
Destroys mycotoxins (vomitoxin, aflatoxin, etc.)
Stops the growth of mold
It acts as a fumigant and insecticide
Effectively removes insects in the grain
Does not damage the seeds
Does not leave chemical residues in food or grain
It does not damage the final product through possible chemical contamination.
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